Saturday, September 24, 2011

On the road again

Well.....sort of. Today, Evalynn and I said good-bye to the western slope of Colorado and headed to Denver. We will be here for a few days before heading down to Texas......after which...we hop on a plane. To go to Bahrain for a month on October 6th. Needless to say, we will be pretty busy for the next 13 days. We had such an amazing time in Colorado. I loved having my family so close to me again, and it was so great to see Evalynn warm up to my parents and's I time I will always cherish. I owe the blog some pictures, so when I get onto my normal computer, I'll post a few from the summer. I will also post a few pictures from my time in Greece a few weeks back.....yes, I said greece:) Ha...Greece feels about a million miles away right now and my tan has already faded so posting pictures will be a good excuse for me to re-live the wonderfulness in my head once again and re-assure me that it wasn't just a beautiful dream.

Alright. Off to bed I go. Good night!